Clean Reader

What really gets to me about this whole Clean Reader business is the desperation for a sanitized universe. It reveals, the utter disability of a large number of human beings to live with their own humanity. That is unspeakably sad.

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Where to make space …

… and how to work the family in. I can certainly relate to the ‘being apart’ part. Multiple workspaces for the win.
(If you’d like to know what led to Workspace Wednesdays, or how you can be a part of it, read this post.)
Blaine D. Arden, everyone:

“My post is less about what I need in my physical space, but more about where I need that physical space to be.

Four years ago, my husband made me this gorgeous spacious desk in my office. I absolutely loved it, and after this picture was taken, it has never looked quite this…organised. I thought it was everything I’d ever wanted…needed.

But… there’s always a but. Through the years little annoyances started to build up. Not about the desk, I adore that desk, but my office shares a floor with my boys’ bedrooms and doesn’t have an actual door. Do any of you know how loud boys (all 20+ now) can be when they’re playing games while I’m trying to work? Next to that, I found myself spending more and more time upstairs. I worked there, had skype chats with friends, and played games (which I got into via abovementioned friends).

Meanwhile, my husband would be on his own (not counting the dog, who also spent most of her time downstairs) in the living room, while I spent more and more time upstairs, especially in the evenings. Having my office, as lovely as it was, just didn’t seem all that important anymore. So, one night, I came downstairs for a drink and mentioned to my husband that I didn’t enjoy how we spent all that time in different rooms, and that I’d been mulling over moving my computer back into the living room. Guess what? He looked up and said, “I’ve been thinking the same thing.”

Within two weeks, we had rearranged the living room, and I had a new desk (we so didn’t want to wreck his lovely desk), a new workspace downstairs.

Now… this desk may not be as large—it doesn’t matter to me how large my desk it, I’ll manage to clutter it up in no time, and I’ll always feel I don’t have enough space. My wall may not be bedecked with inspirational posters, but… I love it here. Even though both my husband and I love spending our evenings doing our own things, we’re in the same room, can talk to each other, show each other things we’re working on, or funny things we see on the net without having to mail each other.

We basically turned our living room into a space we feel at home in, together, whether we’re plugging away at our computers, or watching a film. I’d still love more desk space, but I value the companionship and warmth I feel in this room more.

And it has the added bonus that I’m not in hearing distance of the boys’ loud gaming habits anymore (well… with some exceptions).

— the sofa is where I sometimes sit to do my ‘hard copy’ edits (on my e-reader), and the chair next to the bookcase is my husband’s ‘office’.”

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Release Day and Booktour

It’s official: The Other Side of Winter is now out, released, for sale in the wider world of bookstores.

Follow the booktour all week to read 10 new scenes set between the end of Santuario and the beginning of The Other Side of Winter. Almost 6000 brand-spanking-new words for you. Please be mindful of the spoiler alert, though, if you haven’t read Santuario yet. Leave a comment and your email at the tour stops to be eligible for the prize draw at the end of the tour.

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Small spaces

Sometimes, making space involves a little more effort or ingenuity. Piper Vaughn isn’t letting that stop the writing. I’m so on board with the reminder on that whiteboard. Also, hedgehog. Win.

(If you’d like to know what led to Workspace Wednesdays, or how you can be a part of it, read this post.)

“This is my work space. Our house is pretty small and I dream of one day having a dedicated office, but for now I’ve taken over a corner of the bedroom I share with my husband. My desk is in this corner and then over on the wall to my left is my dry-erase board, which I’m thinking of upgrading to a bigger size. I love using it for checklists or reminders or even for plotting out stories, but it’s not large enough to be very useful when it comes to that.

One drawback of having my work space in my bedroom is that when my husband goes to bed, I feel guilty about staying on the desktop and potentially keeping him awake. I often go to my laptop in a different section of the house – the den or the kitchen – to write in those cases, which isn’t very convenient because no other space is as comfortable for me to write in. But, when push comes to shove, I can write wherever I have to. Sometimes I write in silence, but usually I make a playlist for whatever book I’m working on and I have that going on in the background. :)”

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Magic mugs

Pssst, hey, want to throw a peek into E.E.Ottoman’s workspace? I know I do. That’s the kind of functional clutter I’d feel right at home in. Oh, and I can attest to to the magical motivational power of those Catherine Dair mugs. Mine has plot bunnies on it. Best. Mugs. Ever.

(If you’d like to know what led to Workspace Wednesdays, or how you can be a part of it, read this post.)

“Although I can work pretty much anywhere my desk is where I spent most of my time these days.
I’ve been told that these photograms are classic pictures of my work space. When I’m writing or researching my desk, along with most of my space actually, tends to get very cluttered. The stacks of paper, books, and notes pile higher and higher the longer I’m working on something.
Despite the fact I tend to have a lot of paper cluttering my office space and there is a notepad on the desk I usually do all of my note taking, outlining and writing on the computer. I have a gorgeous new Mac Book Air that my sister gave me for Christmas. I take notes and outline on TextEdit and then work on Word for my actual manuscripts. I can and do enjoy typing but I also use voice-to-text programs sometimes especially when I’m tired and then text-to-voice when I edit.
My desk is in front of a window that shows me a small shrub birds like to sit on, and part of the road in front of my house, I like the natural light. Usually when I write, I have music playing or a reality tv show on in the background. One of the things I’ve found is a work best with some kind of background noise going on.
I have my Kindle on my desk too because so many of the books I now own are digital and the little yellow bookcase next to the desk is filled with mostly research books and paper copies of my own books.
I also have a print on my desk of an illustration by Wylie Beckert called the Deadline God. I also have a watercolor still-life of pomegranates an artist housemate of mine gave me for Christmas a couple years ago, and a photogram of my nephew. Plus the huge succulent my mother gave me.
The mug has an amazing, steampunk kraken illustration by Catherine Dair and is now my go-to coffee cup and I also have a glass of seltzer water, which is my usual non-coffee drink.”

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Workspace Porn

This gallery contains 4 photos.

This week, I confess, I am drooling. KJ Charles works in the kind of space I’d be all over, if I could use it for more than six months a year. Alas, our climate would make heating a writing shed … Continue reading

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The couches have it

This week we’re featuring another couch/laptop combo. Sensing a theme here. I give you J.K Pendragon’s writing space.

(If you’d like to know what led to Workspace Wednesdays, or how you can be a part of it, read this post.)

IMG_3329“This is my “workspace,” as it were. ^-^ I think the couch is the only piece of furniture I own that was purchased new, and I’m inordinately fond of it. In order to get in the mood to write, I need to have my butt on said couch, with a blanket, a cup of tea and the internet OFF. Usually there’s also a fair bit of procrastination involved. (Please ignore the glaringly white walls. Can’t paint in a rental, alas.)”

J.K.Pendragon can be found at: or on twitter @JKPendragon
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Back in the editing boat

Got the developmental edits for the Bluewater Bay novel last week, which are disquietingly on par with what I’d been iffy about in the first place, but thought I’d fixed. (Editors with mind-reading powers are a scary thought.) This is a good thing, though; it means we’re seeing the same problem zones, only my editor managed to see them more clearly than I did and through the lipstick I’d apparently put on the pig. Gah.

In other news, I’m sorting ideas and cut scenes for the blog tour, I’m waiting for the print copies of TOSoW to arrive, and for some things to fall into place enough to be announced. Stay tuned.

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Workspace Wednesdays continue

This week Sheena Himes is sharing her workspace with us. Thank you, Sheena, for letting us peek at your screen.

(If you want to know what led to Workspace Wednesdays, or how you can be a part of it, read this.)


“View of the sunset past the forest, incense burning (usually lavender or patchouli) on the windowsill. I have the angel statue on my desk not for religious purposes but as a reminder of when I made it, when I was younger and more carefree and inspiration came to me as easy as breathing. I have Spotify or Amazon Prime radio playing my 200+song tracks, each playlist arranged by emotions I need for whatever scene I’m working on.

And the coffee, ye gods the coffee. I can’t function without it. At least the mug is clean.”

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Welcome to Workspace Wednesdays

And so it begins, this delicious game of peekaboo into other people’s spaces. If you want to know what led to this, or how you can be a part of it, read the post before this.
Without further ado, here’s Allan Jay’s writing space. Many thanks and kudos for braving first spot.


“This is where I write. There are four important things to note about this picture.
First, this is my cheap coffee table in front of my lovely luxurious sofa. It’s important for me to try to get things in the right order. That’s why I spent hundreds of pounds on a sofa so comfortable I actually want to spend my evenings on it and under twenty for a table for resting mugs and glasses on. I don’t sit on the table. But I do sit on the sofa, usually cross-legged, usually in front of that laptop. I do have a desk but I don’t use it. The main benefit of not having a partner, children or cats is that I can write out in the open and not get disturbed. The drawback is of course that I worry that the lack of those things makes me too unusual to be a proper M/M romance writer.
Second are the tools themselves. I always start by jotting ideas and plans down in notebooks. I have many, many notebooks. I love notebooks. If there is such a thing as a non-sexual fetish, then mine is for those. I do my first draft and expand on my notes in an App called Typed (on screen in the photo), then copy it all into Scrivener for organising and editing – the MacBookAir is a wonderful piece of kit for all of this. I’ve worked through about 20,000 words of the novel I’m working on in this way and its working quite well for me. So far.
Third is the little green light you can see in the background. The television above it is rarely on. In fact I’ve watched about three hours of live television this month. I’m much more about audio. The green light is a bluetooth speaker and I switch between radio and music almost all evening, every evening. For writing I prefer music without lyrics. I have a large collection of Cafe Del Mar compilations that works just great for me. Spotify is also quite handy for this  kind of music should you need non-intrusive background music to write to.
Finally of course is the wine glass. I don’t always drink and write. Sometimes I write responsibly and just have tea. Sometimes I revert to writer stereotype and have coffee. It’s all just fuel for the fingers, to get them going and getting those words in the notebooks (oh those lovely notebooks) or on screen.”


Allan Jay writes M/M romance. He’s had a couple of short stories published and is currently working on his first novel. You can follow him on Twitter – he’s always got it switched on – @allanjaywrites for the writerly things or @allanj69 for the everyday things. He’s also, reluctantly, on Facebook. He needs a kick up the backside to get writing from time to time, so go prompt him.
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