The couches have it

This week we’re featuring another couch/laptop combo. Sensing a theme here. I give you J.K Pendragon’s writing space.

(If you’d like to know what led to Workspace Wednesdays, or how you can be a part of it, read this post.)

IMG_3329“This is my “workspace,” as it were. ^-^ I think the couch is the only piece of furniture I own that was purchased new, and I’m inordinately fond of it. In order to get in the mood to write, I need to have my butt on said couch, with a blanket, a cup of tea and the internet OFF. Usually there’s also a fair bit of procrastination involved. (Please ignore the glaringly white walls. Can’t paint in a rental, alas.)”

J.K.Pendragon can be found at: or on twitter @JKPendragon
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