LGBTQ Push Back Giveaway


By now you’ll have heard about Indiana’s Religious Freedom and Restoration Act, and you’ve probably heard of the pizza place that discriminated their own business into the ground and then brazenly asked for financial support to stay afloat and got it. Yeah, that. A lot of adjectives come to mind to describe that situation. Unfortunately they won’t change a thing.

What will change a thing? Getting queer kids off the streets, providing beds and support. Helping the helpers; that changes things.

Kate Aaron, Meredith King, and AJ Rose have organized a push-back: Between now and May 1st, donate the money for your next book purchase (or, of course, more if you can and are so inclined)  to one of the fundraisers set up to counter the hate (or any other charity of your choice). In order not to deprive you of your read, we, the participating authors, are raffling off copies of our books. In my case, the winner will have the choice between Santuario and The Other Side of Winter.

So, go. Play. Donate. Show the bigots your fully extended middle finger and LGBTQ kids your support and compassion.

Find all relevant information and Rafflecopter at Diverse Reader.

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