Managed to start my con day at noon with a panel on languages that managed to be academic and entertaining at the same time (go figure). I took lots of notes and jotted down numerous book recommendations. What can I say? This was my tribe.
The panel about what medium people use for their fiction books was pleasant enough, if not offering spectacular new insights. Same for the one on how horror works and what scares people, though it did manage to summarize some things more to the point than I’d been carrying them around in my head. The next panel on Gender Issues in Horror was more interesting and outlined the ongoing academic discussion very nicely.
The panel on Marketing again offered not much above the common sense rules, but backed it up with some useful numbers.
The Villains vs. Heroes panel was just plain fun and engendered a lively discussion and quite a bit of hilarity.
I held out for Female Characters which was interesting, if not exactly cutting edge. After that, I just couldn’t sit anymore. Plus, I was starving and really, really wanted to make it to the early panel on Sunday. So, homeward bound.